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教育委員会 教育課

















I have joined many classes at Yuki Elementary school. Students. Communication skills are necessary for foreign language education to be effective.

The Tiergarten field trip, a notable improvement in the communication skills on 7th November. For example, allowed me to work together with students to perform a variety of tasks, such as food preparation, making fires, cleaning, and eating. While making fires, we discussed camping culture in Canada, and we talked about how to make a fire safely. Many students became more interested in camping and foreign culture during these conversations. They were excited to learn English words and about Canadian traditions. Working together gave students the chance to see how communication can have real world benefits.

At Yuki elementary school, joining other classes has resulted in me and students learning more about each other. For example, in Art Class gives us many opportunities to learn from each other. Music class allows me to work closely with students to build their confidence in music. Music is also a very important form of communication. Communicating gives students an opportunity to become genuinely interested in new things. Students who practice communicating often outside of class, in fun contexts, find communicating in both Japanese and English easier and more enjoyable.

In Canada, students have more opportunities to talk freely with friends and teachers in and out of class. We share our opinions, interests, problems, hobbies, and advice without hesitating. Having more conversations with a variety of people makes communicating in class much easier too. Canadian students ask more questions and engage in class discussions. Communicating and building relationships outside of class makes it possible to fully utilize the short 45 minute English classes.

Creating situations where students and teachers can talk, learn, sing, play, and laugh together without feeling pressured by tests and scores is necessary for building confidence and good communication skills. I hope to continue to add to the wonderful experiences with the students of Yuki elementary school in the future.


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